Monday, October 15, 2007

The Proof For The Existence of God

In order to understand why and how you should contemplate the state of mind of willing no harm on all beings it is necessary to understand a logical "proof" for the existence of God. If you are reading this, then I can only assume that you are one of the good people in this world that just naturally walk around with good will towards your fellow human beings. I say naturally because it is logical and normal to have good feelings towards fellow humans and as a matter of fact to have good will towards all living creatures. I know that this kind of attitude goes hand in hand with wisdom. At this point I'm not going to get ahead of myself and present an explanation of everything involved in first why the concept of "Will no harm on all beings" and secondly what is the result of achieving this attitude? Really achieving this attitude goes way beyond thinking about it but thinking about it leads up to achieving it. All conclusive thinking is driven by logic. You might say that logic is the mathematics of concepts. Concepts are blocks of logical thought. In this video reality is broken down into logical concepts that add up to an absolute conclusion that God exists and creates and maintains all reality. If the logic and its conclusion are true then this conclusion has to be the basis or the root of all of our thinking and behavior. So if you expect to get anything of value out of the time you spend watching this video, you must suspend all resistance that you might feel and sincerely open your mind with the HOPE that you have in the reality of God and make yourself understand the logic and the conclusion of the argument. This is the truth that is the foundation of the house of the wise man who listens to Jesus. You must set the foundation of your own house.

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