Friday, April 22, 2011

Anti-Cancer Cannabis Solves Japanese Worldwide Radiation Threat

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The Cannabis Solution To The Worldwide Radiation Threat

Because of the nuclear disaster in Japan, all life on earth is under threat from ever-increasing permanent levels of nuclear radiation. The increased radiation levels attained will persist for hundreds or even thousands of years so we humans must accept the fact that we all will reach a point where the radiation will reach levels in our bodies that will cause cancers to form.

There is nothing anyone can do to stop this disaster from continuing. There is no way we can remove the dispersed radiation from our atmosphere. From a current common scientific viewpoint we and our children are all screwed.

There is only one substance on the face of the earth that can provide a permanent solution to the radioactive effect on human life. That substance is THC.

The primary threat of radiation to humans is the formation of cancerous tumors that come about from radiation damage to the cell structure which cause the cell to not die but continue to propagate into a tumor. Experiments have demonstrated that when a THC molecule enters a cell it discharges a signal into the cell. This signal is essential a “balance” signal. If the cell is normal and healthy it continues to be normal when THC enters. However, IF THE CELL IS CANCEROUS the THC signal causes the cancerous cell to “remember” to die by causing the release of a chemical which causes the cell to consume itself to death.

What this means is that if we flood our bodies with THC molecules, then any cancerous cells will be killed before they even got going. This is the only permanent solution to the radiation threat. Before you say no to this solution, think about it that it will definitely save some people from cancer whcih is better than saving no people.

Every part of Cannabis is food for humans and essential for human life. All humans need to consume THC immediately. The radiation levels are now high enough to affect you. Save your life and the lives of your loved ones by embracing Cannabis and consuming THC every day. This is a matter of life or death.

Active Component Of Marijuana Has Anti-Cancer Effects, Study Suggests

ScienceDaily (Apr. 9, 2009) — Guillermo Velasco and colleagues, at Complutense University, Spain, have provided evidence that suggests that cannabinoids such as the main active component of marijuana (THC) have anticancer effects on human brain cancer cells.

In the study, THC was found to induce the death of various human brain cancer cell lines and primary cultured human brain cancer cells by a process known as autophagy.

Consistent with the in vitro data, administration of THC to mice with human tumors decreased tumor growth and induced the tumor cells to undergo autophagy. As analysis of tumors from two patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (a highly aggressive brain tumor) receiving intracranial THC administration showed signs of autophagy, the authors suggest that cannabinoid administration may provide a new approach to targeting human cancers.

Cannabinoid action induces autophagy-mediated cell death through stimulation of ER stress in human glioma cells

Read the published study in The Journal of Clinical Investigation at this link: