April 3, 33 A.D. - Jerusalem - Jesus of Nazareth Crucified.
April 3, 2010 – Phoenix, Arizona - today
This is all very simple. If you believe, that God judges humanity then Satan has deceived you into believing that he is God. The Scripture tells us how to choose what we will think about and believe in when it says, “It is either yes or no – everything else is the evil one”. The Scripture also states, “If you believe without doubting, it will be done to you.”
Use your head and think about what God could be like and apply the “yes or no“ Scripture. The first question you must answer is the most important one to ask. “Is God good?” Yes or No? The obvious, logical answer is “Yes!” This one decision should be the cornerstone of the spiritual house of every single person who claims friendship with Jesus Christ and has hope in the God Who gave Jesus of Nazareth His name and raised him up from death. The very force of human will is the absolute, unmitigated goodness of God.
Now think about this: If God is all-good then He wills no harm on all beings. This is what it means when the Scripture says of God, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice”. Jesus of Nazareth said, "Pray for your enemies." If God is blessing all beings, all of the time then there is no judgment and there is no punishment. Therefore, it is a lie to say that God condemns and we know from Scripture that Satan is “the father of lies”. Therefore, Satan rules all Christians by their belief that God sends people to hell.
This is why humans are killing each other all over the world. This is why Tyranny thrives. This is why Fear reigns over the people of earth. It is because of Satan's rule. Change this for yourself and for your family and you will be blessed with freedom. Do it now while you are reading this post. Do it for yourself and say "Yes!" to God's never-ending goodness right now. Realize that your "Yes!" must now be reflected logically in every thought that you take as your own. Your "Yes" for God must be reflected in every feeling that you take as your own. The feeling of "Yes!" for the goodness of God is joy all of the time. This is the same joy that you feel when you smoke a joynt of Cannabis. Amen.
Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! Thank You Jesus! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus!
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