Written around the inner dome of the Jefferson Memorial are these words penned over 200 years ago by Thomas Jefferson:
“I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”
The most important responsibility that emerges from our very being is to maintain and preserve our lives. All that we really have is our life. We don’t have our possessions, our loved ones or even our thoughts if we are not alive. It is a truth that we determine our path through life and shape every event by thinking about every choice that presents itself as we go along in life and by making the choice that we think is best. If we find ourselves suffering; if our very life is threatened then we must realize that somehow we put ourselves in our present circumstances. It’s probably true that most people don’t realize this truth. That’s probably why the world is in such a mess. But you are reading this right now and if you think about it for a moment you will have to admit that this truth is “probably true”. You might see this process working and if you did you might then realize that the first step in getting out of the situation you are in is to totally understand and believe that you yourself created the situation; believing this you will then believe that by using the same “power” that you used to create your bad reality, you can use this same “power” to create a good reality. Thinking about this and understanding the concept is the easy part. The hard part is figuring out how do you get control of this “power” so that you can immediately stop creating stupid realities and begin to immediately create good realities? That’s the difficult part because it involves having real humility and realizing you are not the smartest being in existence; and the proof of it is your way of thinking has led you to the edge of destruction. If you were smart you’d be taking care of your life to the max. The most humiliating thing to experience is the fact you really are not in control of your reality but rather it is being controlled by an external, conscious dark force that is able to manipulate your thinking by stimulating you with negative vibrations. I call this evil consciousness Satan and it is this being that has been manipulating and twisting your thinking all along even up to this very moment. Even as you read these words this creature is projecting energy on to you that makes you feel negative about truth and “feel” like Satan doesn’t exist. The New Testament gives good advice when it says in 1Peter; chap 5, verses 5 through 11:
And all of you clothe yourselves with humility in your dealings with one another,
for: "God opposes the proud but bestows favor on the humble."
6 So humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due
7 Cast all your worries upon him because he cares for you.
8 Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring
lion looking for (someone) to devour.
9 Resist him, steadfast in faith, knowing that your fellow believers throughout the
world undergo the same sufferings.
10 The God of all grace who called you to his eternal glory through Christ (Jesus)
will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you after you have
suffered a little.
11To him be dominion forever. Amen.
This is what we are to do as lovers of God; we realize that by allowing ourselves to be puppets from hell we spread evil throughout the whole world; we know the only way to be an instrument of Our Loving God is to give up all of our fearful thoughts by trusting that God will take care of us completely; that we don’t have to make things happen but rather witness the miracle of God living through us. Paul writes in his letter to the Ephesians, chapter 6 verses 10 through 18:
10 Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and from his mighty power.
11 Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics
of the devil.
12For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the
powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the
13 Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day
and, having done everything, to hold your ground.
14So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a
15 and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace.
16 In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield, to quench all (the) flaming arrows of
the evil one.
17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of
18 With all prayer and supplication, pray at every opportunity in the Spirit.
What’s being said here is something that happens in your mind, because this is where the battle is: the battle for your mind and your life. You are conditioned since childhood to act according to what you think is true and you have been heavily influenced by family and acquaintances as to what you think is true. The reason you do anything is because you think you should. If you get up and walk across the room and pick up a cigarette and light it and smoke it, it’s because you first thought to do that whole sequence of actions. You assume that because these thoughts that come to you are coming from inside your head that they are the thoughts coming from your true self and that these thoughts were what you want to think. You have the thought “I feel like smoking a cigarette” and you act upon it because you “think” that this thought that you “felt” like smoking a cigarette is coming from your true self. Well, first thing - your true self’s emerging responsibility is to take care of your life to the max and the “thought” of putting a poisonous substance in your body would be totally inconsistent with your true self’s prime responsibility. So if the thought that I have is not stimulated by my true self then what is stimulating the anti-true self thought? Obviously thoughts can be stimulated by vibrations of some sort. Vibrations that stimulate thoughts of love and forgiveness; of unity and life of all the sweet things are from your true self; vibrations that stimulate thoughts of fear, of selfishness, of anger, of hate, of punishment, of jealousy, of self-destruction, of violence, of death are all from Satan.
God is never angry. The vibrating energy of God is a continuum of confidence. God is intimately conscious of all of His creation on every level from the least to the greatest. It is His consciousness of all things through all time that maintains existence itself. He is conscious of you and it is His consciousness of you that keeps you in existence; it is His personal consciousness of you that defines you. When you think of yourself – of who and what you are - that experience and process is the same for God when He thinks of Himself and Who and what He is. He knows that He is God as easily as you can know who you are - using the same process. Realizing that God is intimately conscious of you and of everything that you feel and think and do, solidifies your true self for you – and through that realization and solidification you know that your self – your consciousness – is eternal because God is eternal and if He is conscious of you now He is
eternally conscious of you. Your true self grows out of this personal, intimate consciousness that God has of you. God’s willingness to be conscious of all of Creation implies Divine Love. He is conscious of Creation because He likes being conscious of it – it’s something He loves and He loves every thing in Creation from the least to the greatest. Within God’s consciousness of Creation He is intimately and personally conscious of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and He knows
Jesus as Himself. This is the truth. God is eternally conscious of His Creation through the consciousness of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. To realize this truth is Wisdom. To realize this truth is the most optimum thing that your true self can do to preserve your life. And that’s the most important thing isn’t it – to be alive - to be conscious of the glory of God’s creation and to experience joy continuously without suffering and to be able to create only good realities for yourself and for those who you love? You can have this or you can have the chaos of the past –
you choose. If you feel negative about this and have contrary thoughts that would deny that Jesus Christ is the consciousness of God in Creation and outside of Creation then you are being stimulated by Satan. You are being tricked out of your birthright. You fall under false pride and think that there is no one watching the store – that you in fact are your own god and thus live your life in darkness and continuously make stupid decisions out of your own rationalizations. You have become blind to what is real and so you make excuses for doing evil – like stealing or lying – and you continue a downward spiral into death. This is not something to take lightly. The very idea that you are being manipulated into suffering should wake you up! This is where humility comes in as the antithesis of false pride. True humility is to believe what God says. If you remember in the Old Testament that Abraham was blessed exceedingly by God for just one
reason and only one reason: He believed God. It wasn’t said that he “believed in God” but rather that he “believed God”. For us to believe what Jesus has said - about God and Himself - is to believe God! The only way we can truly achieve the highest level of existence is to joyfully accept the love of God that comes through Jesus Christ and to reciprocate this love to our fullest capacity. This means that by loving God with our whole mind, our whole heart our whole being we will then “not, not-love” anyone in the world because we won’t be thinking about anyone in the world in a negative way.. When we are in this state of mind there are no “problems” in our lives at all; everything that is happening is leading towards the good and it is up to us to always “assume the positive”. In this state of mind there is no room for fear and thus there is no condemnation neither of oneself nor others. There is an absolute loving acceptance of creation, understanding that by continuously trusting God nothing evil will ever happen to you. With this state of mind you continuously create good future realities for yourself.
Satan will do everything possible to prevent you from attaining union with God. This is a matter of life or death. You can turn your life over to Jesus completely right now and turn your back on all evil influences and see a miracle happen in your life immediately. You have the power to look at all the things that you have done that were the product of Satan’s influence and turn the responsibility over to Jesus –
put it all on Him as He carries His cross to His death – He is going to do that no matter what, and you can put all of your sins on Him as if it was Him that was responsible – and it’s true that He took that responsibility so you are only doing what He asked. You can’t fake this - or the same old crap will just keep coming down. Live your faith and commitment completely! With this knowledge the saying “what goes around comes around” becomes immediate and if you hold on to yourself you will see miracles immediately.
If you are really interested in explaining to yourself why you believe in God and would like to get the logic of the proof of the existence of God down, then go and watch the video running at